Tag: SystemFusion

  • Linking Yaesu DR-1X repeaters without expensive hardware

    Linking Yaesu DR-1X repeaters without expensive hardware

    My club has two DR-1X repeaters on the same site. One is on 2 meters, the other on 70 cm. We wanted to link the repeaters together so they would behave as one when needed. There are several complete solutions for this already on the market, and more on the way. Two alternatives we looked at…

  • Interfacing the DR-1X Repeater

    Interfacing the DR-1X Repeater

    The documentation for the Yaesu DR-1X repeater has a number of shortcomings. This post will describe my findings so that others may hopefully benefit from my research. In our current application we are interfacing two of these repeaters, each connected to a separate USB sound interface and RS-232 serial port for squelch and PTT signaling. In…