Webpage updates
We have recently (among other things) updated and rearranged categories to better and more intuitively link blog posts to their respective projects. We’ll also be remodelling parts of the site, and add some new content in the foreseeable future. This blogpost is more of a “stay alert” message, as things might get a bit bumpy…
Towards a next generation tracker
The Polaric Tracker developed by LA3T was just the right APRS tracker for search and rescue services. Now the question is, could we take this a step further and develop a new tracker which is even more advanced, yet simple to use and easy to assemble for amateurs? I believe so. The idea is to…
After a somewhat successful campaign from LA3T, the PolaricTracker where born, and with it PolaricServer and PolaricApp. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons (presumably cost and assembly time), the hardware part of the project died, leaving a void in the tracker market. (It was the only 5W one-button, 24H operation tracker WITH Rx and TRUE usb) PolaricTracker where…
hamLABS revived
As I’m writing this post, it’s been three and a half years since the last update on this page. It’s nothing short of a tradigy. Shortly after hamLABS where launched, both myself and LA1FTA had a period in life where everything else took precedence. To name a few, we got kids (with our respective spouses, just…
DACS proof of concept
During the LA8HTH event August 13th-14th 2011 (Ham-treff Helgeland), a bunch of us set out to complete a proof of concept QSO for our DACS project. The DACS project aims to put together a defined set of software and services, and eventually precompiled software for commercial off-the-shelf hardware. The hardware such as smartphones and common…
Hamlabs is contributing to the APRS community
This week our APRS-IS server became an official member of the aprs2.net system. The APRS Tier 2 network is now represented in one more country, and this contributes to further stability for the APRS-IS system, linking the APRS world together.
freqDB – RF spectrum systematized
A couple of years ago I was searching for a decent database to look up repeaters, nodes, beacons etc. To my surprise, such a database didn’t seem to exists. As a matter of fact, the only available data for Norway was a hand-written .pdf from the Norwegian node-manager. The temporary solution I came up with was a semi-automated import…
hamLABS online!
After a swift decision, based on the cosmic events explained in deatil on the About page, hamLABS is officially opened!