Author: mortenj

  • The quest for open software for the ADF4351

    The quest for open software for the ADF4351

    It seems the ADF4350/ADF4351 is a versatile little RF synthesizer, ranging from low VHF to well into the microwave spectrum. The are quite a few articles describing projects using the ADF4350 or ADF4351, and a few that publish firmware files for diverse MCUs that can control the synthesizer, but no I haven’t been able to locate…

  • Linking Yaesu DR-1X repeaters without expensive hardware

    Linking Yaesu DR-1X repeaters without expensive hardware

    My club has two DR-1X repeaters on the same site. One is on 2 meters, the other on 70 cm. We wanted to link the repeaters together so they would behave as one when needed. There are several complete solutions for this already on the market, and more on the way. Two alternatives we looked at…

  • Interfacing the DR-1X Repeater

    Interfacing the DR-1X Repeater

    The documentation for the Yaesu DR-1X repeater has a number of shortcomings. This post will describe my findings so that others may hopefully benefit from my research. In our current application we are interfacing two of these repeaters, each connected to a separate USB sound interface and RS-232 serial port for squelch and PTT signaling. In…

  • DACS proof of concept

    DACS proof of concept

    During the LA8HTH event August 13th-14th 2011 (Ham-treff Helgeland), a bunch of us set out to complete a proof of concept QSO for our DACS project. The DACS project aims to put together a defined set of software and services, and eventually precompiled software for commercial off-the-shelf hardware. The hardware such as smartphones and common…

  • Hamlabs is contributing to the APRS community

    Hamlabs is contributing to the APRS community

    This week our APRS-IS server became an official member of the system. The APRS Tier 2 network is now represented in one more country, and this contributes to further stability for the APRS-IS system, linking the APRS world together.